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英雄联盟:手游是由 Riot Games 开发并发行的一款多人在线竞技移动端游戏,支持 Android 和 iOS 平台。 作为WR团队的资深概念艺术家,您将帮助创建英雄联盟世界中的角色和皮肤主题。在与不同团队合作时,您将牢记玩家的体验,帮助将基础理念和概念融入凯发的游戏中。您还将与游戏策划、叙事作家和创意总监合作,将新的角色主题和世界变为现实。您将汇报给Wild Rift的主美。


  • 创作令人惊叹的概念艺术作品,包括草图、绘画、插图和数字绘图
  • 为项目创建和开发视觉概念,包括角色和海报艺术设计
  • 运用色彩、照明和构图等艺术原则,在作品中传达情感、氛围和故事元素
  • 与团队和艺术负责人合作,确保概念艺术产出符合凯发的工艺标准 
  • 确保所有概念符合凯发的游戏需求
  • 与制作团队合作,理解和解释项目要求,并提供相关的艺术指导
  • 参与团队讨论和头脑风暴会议,为项目提供创意意见和设计方案
  • 通过提供艺术指导和支持,协助艺术团队的其他成员。


  • 在相关领域有丰富的工作经验,至少5年的概念艺术家工作经验。
  • 出色的绘画和插图技能,熟练掌握传统和数字艺术工具。
  • 较强的艺术表现能力,能将创意转化为视觉图像。深入理解艺术原理,如角色设计、环境设计和新主题创作。
  • 熟悉游戏开发流程和相关软件工具,如 Photoshop、Illustrator 等。
  • 能够与其他美术师、设计师和制作人进行有效沟通与合作。根据项目要求和截止日期高效交付作品。


  • 具有创作风格化2D美术作品的经验
  • 能够为宣传用途或游戏美术绘制插图
  • 具有创作主题或世界构建视觉开发的经验


Riot注重生活/工作平衡,除了灵活的工作时间安排等其他福利外,凯发还有开放的带薪休假政策。凯发提供医疗、牙科和人寿保险、育儿假,涵盖您、您的配偶/家庭伴侣和子女,以及与公司匹配的 401k 退休金。请查看福利详情页面 获得更多信息。

Riot Games 注重玩家和工作场所的体验,重视 召唤师守则 社区守则 所体现的团队精神。凯发的文化将差异视为一种力量,凯发的价值观是凯发处理工作的指导原则。凯发致力于将多样性和包容性(D&I)作为凯发一切工作的中心,促进公平和协作的文化,让Rioter彼此以尊严和尊重相待。凯发鼓励您阅读更多关于凯发 共同成长 的价值观,以及凯发为打造 游戏行业最具包容性的公司 所做的不懈努力。

凯发的政策是为所有应聘者和 Riot Games 公司成员提供平等的就业机会。Riot Games 为残疾人和残障 Rioters 提供合理便利,不会因种族、肤色、宗教、性别、性取向、性别认同或表达、国籍、年龄、残障、退伍军人身份、婚姻状况、犯罪记录或任何其他受适用联邦和州法律保护的类别(包括洛杉矶《公平机会雇佣倡议条例》中有关申请人犯罪记录的规定(LAMC 189.00))而非法歧视。


Riot Games was established in 2006 by entrepreneurial gamers who believe that player-focused game development can result in great games. In 2009, Riot released its debut title League of Legends  to critical and player acclaim. As the most played video game in the world, over 100 million play every month. Players form the foundation of our community and it’s for them that we continue to evolve and improve the League of Legends  experience.

We’re looking for humble but ambitious, razor-sharp professionals who can teach us a thing or two. We promise to return the favor. Like us, you take play seriously; you’re passionate about games. We embrace those who see things differently, aren’t afraid to experiment, and who have a healthy disregard for constraints.

That's where you come in.

As a Concept Artist at Riot you will bring environments and characters to life. Drawing inspiration from as little as a napkin sketch or as much as a full-blown narrative concept, you will generate ideas and craft designs that are resonant, compelling, and iconic. As a problem solver, first and foremost, you will come up with visual solutions for game concepts, in-game content, and world building. As a member of the team, you will help your fellow team members to continue to raise the quality bar at the studio.

League of Legends: Wild Rift is a multiplayer online battle arena mobile game developed and published by Riot Games for Android and iOS. As a Senior Concept Artist on the Wild Rift team , you will help create character and character skin thematics in the League of Legends universe. You will keep the players' experience in mind as you work with diverse teams to help build foundational ideas and concepts into our games. You will also work collaboratively with game designers,  narrative writers, and creative directors to bring new character thematics and  worlds to life. You will report to Wild Rift’s Art Lead.

As a Rioter in China, you'll join a team of internationally and culturally diverse professionals that share our prioritization of player experience, rejection of convention and maniacal passion for gaming. 

To reinforce Riot’s collaborative culture in our China offices, we’ve decided to do away with the constraints of traditional hierarchical title structures that are more common in the region. Titles don’t really matter at any of Riot’s offices, but we chose to take this extra step in our China offices to foster a space where teamwork thrives. We believe that removing this constraint will promote individual autonomy, ownership, collaboration, and a focus on results. We promise you won’t need a title at Riot to make an impact.


  • Create stunning concept art pieces, including sketches, paintings, illustrations, and digital drawings.
  • Create and develop visual concepts for projects including character and splash art designs
  • Apply artistic principles such as color, lighting, and composition to convey emotions, atmosphere, and story elements in the work you do.
  • Work with Team and Art Leads to ensure concept art outputs meet our craft bar 
  • Ensure all concepts meet  requirements of our game’s needs
  • Collaborate with the production team to understand and interpret project requirements and provide relevant artistic guidance.
  • Participate in team discussions and brainstorming sessions to provide creative input and design solutions for the project.
  • Assist other members of the art team by providing artistic direction and support.

Required Qualifications:

  • Extensive work experience in a relevant field, with at least 5 years of experience as a concept artist. 
  • Excellent drawing and illustration skills with proficiency in traditional and digital art tools.
  • Strong artistic expression abilities to translate ideas into visual imagery. In-depth understanding of artistic principles such as character design, environment design, and new thematic creation..
  • Familiarity with game development processes and related software tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. 
  • Ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with other artists, designers, and producers. Efficiently deliver artwork based on project requirements and deadlines.

Desired Qualifications:

  • Experience creating stylized 2D artwork
  • Ability to illustrate images used for promotional or in game art
  • Experience creating thematic pitch or world building visual development

Don’t forget to include a resume and cover letter. We receive a lot of applications, but we’ll notice a fun, well-written intro that shows us you take play seriously.

For this role, you'll find success through craft expertise, a collaborative spirit, and decision-making that prioritizes the delight of players. We will be looking at your past studies, experience, and your personal relationship with games. If you embody player empathy and care about players' experiences, this could be your role!

Our Perks:

Riot Games fosters a player and workplace experience that values teamwork embodied by the Summoner's Code and Community Code. Our culture embraces differences as a strength, and our values are the guiding principles for how we approach work. We are committed to putting diversity and inclusion (D&I) at the center of everything we do, and promoting a fair and collaborative culture where Rioters treat one another with dignity and respect. We encourage you to read more about our value of thriving together and our ongoing work to build the most inclusive company in gaming.